Since we’ve worked and we are working on both sides of the supply chain equipment/device makers and cell/battery pack makers we have very clear the needs of both and even we understand the point of views of both but as usual is important to find a compromise as soon as possible to avoid any delay in the project.
We can start from the cell/battery maker point of view:
When they need to start a pilot production, the want to have full process control and data to start to optimize the process so almost every time they want to check and monitor the process with multiple device to try to get as much data as possible.
For sure their target is not just to a full control and overview of the process but even get the machine in very short time with the cheapest price.
What is the equipment/device maker point of view?
Get clear requirements soon as possible to choose the hardware and the system configuration from mechanical, electrical and software point of view.
Let’s assume we are going to weld the cathode disc to the can rivet terminal.
There are some strategies to do that (you can find more details, real example and explanation in our “From 0 to Hero – Tabless Cylindrical cell manufacturing Guideline”), one strategy is welding through the JR inner core diameter or from the bottom side of the rivet.
For sure this two solutions have different constraints and allows different systems.
Let’s assume we use laser welding technology (you can find all Laser welding applications for cylindrical cells here):
A pathway could be use a process monitoring system based on interferometer of photo-diode sensor. These systems allows to monitor online and in-live the welding process and with a close loop even make it more stable.
For sure we can still use the laser process monitoring system and even the electrical resistance measurement.
Does have sense use multiple inspection systems in lithium cell manufacturing for each single process?
The answer is: depends what you want to check and which data you want to collect.
From our perspective as lithium battery consultants, the inspection systems or process monitoring systems choice is based on the following KPIs:
The lithium cell and battery pack manufacturing is moving every year to higher throughput machines and equipment. This evolution foreseen every year shorter cycle time for each process flow so faster communication between devices, faster acquisition of data, faster response and higher system reliability.
The data processing time and response time are based on the inspection or monitoring technology, on the communication systems and the number of data we’re getting from the process.
In small equipment even the inspection device should be small and compact otherwise we lose the benefit of a small machine. Even for this reason in lithium battery manufacturing is important to increase the throughput keeping constant the number of machine modules or stations.
We start saying the inspection system or process monitoring system MUST provide data, must provide numbers! Quality in lithium battery manufacturing is a must for OEE and and users. You can classify your lithium battery cells quality only based on data.
With data we’re able to build AI algorithms, define working window and optimize the process.
Build a quality management system in lithium battery manufacturing is not easy, especially when you need to start from zero. It’s important to understand which are the main process to inspect and why. Based on these answers is possible to define the best solutions present in the market.